Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Princess Diana and the Borgia Family Portrait

Princess diana at home in Kensington Palace practicing for a speech. From the latest Diana film clips at Kensington in her apt. - the painting behind her. I`d recognize him anywhere, that is Cesare Borgia, his brother Juan at the right and Lucrezia in the middle. I think this painting is listed as "Untitled" but called "Lovers` Triangle". Anyway, what is a portrait of the Borgias doing in Diana`s living room?! At the least, it is a Love Triangle painting Cesare Borgia in red by Altobello Melone. Cesare Borgia 1475 - 1507. Salvator Mundi by Leonardo Da Vinci, Cesare as Jesus by Altobello Melone, Cesare a Gentleman by Altobello Melone. Lady with a Unicorn from the same era. Juan Borgia the third figure in the painting. Lucrezia Borgia, the central figure in the painting. Shots of the Ducal Palace of the Borjas of Gandia. And the statue of Lucretzia in a city Plaza together with her other family members of fame. The Lovers | Titian The Lovers, c.1510 | Tiziano Vecellio Titian - Who are these people? This is another version of the painitng by Titian, in this one the man looks even more like Cesare. "Titian painting - Tiziano Vecellio – or Titian as he is called in English – is a painter's painter, and a lover's painter too. His exquisite eye is charged with sensuality." Titian (c. 1488-Venice 1576) - The Lovers - Royal Collection Trust A print by Zoan Andrea called The Lovers of c.1510-19, shows a couple in a similar arrangement and has been linked to this painting. This is probably a scene from Classical or Renaissance literature, but there is no obvious way of telling which, as Titian generally avoided giving figures period dress Peter Oliver (1589-1647) The Lovers dated 1637 Watercolour|

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